Voices of light and truth.

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Deseret Management Corporation (DMC) is a global operating company, managing for-profit entities affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. All DMC companies operate under a unified mission, “to be a trusted source of light and truth influencing hundreds of millions of people worldwide.”

DMC companies provide content, services, and information through a diverse portfolio of companies, with the majority being media and communications brands.  These include award-winning news, broadcasting, publishing, digital, financial, marketing strategy, and hospitality organizations, dedicated to providing best-in-class service with dignity, respect, humility and integrity for all.

DMC’s news, broadcast (radio and television), publishing companies, marketing strategy, and digital brands seek to illuminate values and institutions that build strong societies—such as the importance of faith, family, and fundamental human virtues.



“I honor principles espoused by our owner in the products and services I provide.”

DMC core value
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